If letters could speak in Other Languages


Si les lettres parlaient,

J'apprendrais de mon mieux

le latin, le grec 

et même l'hébreu.


Se le lettere parlassero,

subito imparerei, 

la lingua degli greci e degli ebrei.


Si las letras hablaran,

pronto yo aprendería,

el griego, el latín y el hebreo. 


Esli b bukvï govorili

mï-b bïstro vïuchili 

yaziki kak cheshski

evreyski, i grecheski. 



An  stoikheia tha milán,

pantes grigorá na 

mathenoun eevraïká ke elliniká.


im otiyot ydabru

az kulam yilmdu

latinit, ivrit v'yvanit.


Wenn Buchstaben reden, 

und sagen ihre Sinne,

dann lernen alle Leute hebräisch und griechisch.


Om bokstäverna kunde talar,

skulle jag genast gå

och lära mig hebreiska, grekiska, och latin

Det vore morsom roligt då.

This linguistic feature may be unique to Hebrew, but JUST MAYBE it has indirect (or direct) implications for other languages, or language generally.

......do you notice that the 3 Hebrew words share the letter  (the consonant) L, and also meanings involving  UP. Do you know other words sharing these two features, in English and other languages? ...fir example Ap. Levantarse, or even Lengua?


Thanks to Richard Detwiler,  Pat Barrett, Françoise Piron, Judith Mazziotti, & others who have helped.


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